24 August, 2007

$15,000 Homemade Star Trek Theater


The term “Sci-Fi” will no more remain a fictional term…it seems, for crazy sci-fi fans are now attempting path breaking ways to turn the fictional world into reality. Remember, we have earlier told you about “Tony Alleyne” the guy who got so much crazy about the Star Trek universe, that he remodeled his condominium to look like the inside of the Starship Enterprise. And, just yesterday, we told you about the crazy Hamilton-inventor, who built a Halo-like suit for military purposes.

Now, Gary Reighn, another sci-fi fan has gone a step further to build a home theater based on the Star Trek show. Gary worked meticulously to create the Star Trek magic in his homemade Star Trek Theater. Gary’s homemade Star Trek Theater is equipped with a high-definition Sony LCD projector capable of 720p resolution, a 102-inch screen made from matte white screen vinyl and steel framing, Polk audio speakers in a 7.1 configuration, a Velodyne subwoofer, Yamaha receiver, Bravo DVD player, Philips Pronto remote, and Bass Shakers beneath the two home theater chairs in the front row and recliner in the back rows. The cost of building this real-life version of the Star Trek Theater comes out to about $15,000.

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